Saturday, March 23, 2013

Multi tasker mum.....need vitamin B

WIth 2 kids 1 baby housework, cooking,cleaning, driver job fetching from school twice a day...1pm n 3pm,ballet class,marketing really make me TIRED. With no relatives or friends hook or crook i have to everything by own. Sometime when bb fussy i will be more tired. I feel very guilty when my sweeties ask for bedtime story.....i really wish to but my body can't wake up. I REALLY SAD WHEN see MY SWEETIES FACE DISSAPOINTED n said "it's okmama,we know tht u are tired." I also make my blog time during breakfast n using my bb nap time to cook, teach my girls homework then i can't do housework cleaning,ironing, fold clothes etc....pray for energy,patient, health. Sorry Brenda n Amanda.....mama will try to arrarrange equally my time. I really love 3 of them but more time hv to be given to bb


  1. I got no choice Elaine...haha

  2. Leave bb Ryan to your hb and try have short hang out with your girls.

    1. boy nowaday like a glue to me...feeding n sleeping time only wanna me.haha
