A small town with very simple and peace life, no Mcdonald,Pizza Hut, 7 eleven or cinema there. Nice and Excellence sea side. The only things we are facing 'jalan-jalan susah cari makan'. Luckily there is a KFC there to solve our Lunch and a restoran named 'Floating' for dinner.
Nice sea side in Kudat and along the beach there are few stalls selling nice and special shells. My girls so impress and we spend around RM25 for that....
On the way to Kudat, we drop by to 'Gombizau Kampung Madu' where they produce honey in a small village in tradisional way and making 'Gong' as part of their business.
Some photos when we are at Tip of Borneo.. Brenda (Jie Jie)was standing on South Cina Sea and Amanda (mei Mei)was standing on Sulu Sea.
On the way home, there are many traditional stall selling 'jagung bakar' due to the hot weather we buy fresh coconut juice.